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Soulful Conversations: “Here Be Dragons: What medieval maps may teach us about our limited god-image”

Dates: Thursday, February 16, 2023, 7 pm ET
Available by: Join by Videoconference Only (learn more about videoconference)
Suggested Love Offering: $ 10.00

Soulful Conversations: “Here Be Dragons: What medieval maps may teach us about our limited god-image”

Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee and Rev. Darby Christopher

Many maps have survived from medieval Europe where all uncharted lands and waters were marked with illustrations and descriptions of dragons, sea monsters and other fearsome mythological creatures. These represented potential danger, the “no go” zones on the maps. This is not very different from most of our god-images (our internal map of what or who god is). By "god," most of us mean only the “good” (bright, light, white, comfortable, well-circumscribed). Consequently, everything in our experience that does not fit neatly within this narrow definition of “sacred,” is relegated to the realm of the profane - variously called devil, satan, demons, or sin. And when our god-territory becomes so flat and small, we also tend to experience ourselves and our life journeys also as small, limited and lackluster. 

In this sacred conversation, we will create a safe container where we can lean into images that, for us, feel as "not god." We will use images that dial our discomfort up to a level 3 or 4, not 10, so we can safely push our boundaries of the god-image, just a little. In doing so, we hope to brush against a crack in our god-image “where the light gets in.” Our hope is to offer tools for what might become a lifelong practice of intentionally developing a more expansive and nuanced map of what is holy ground, so we are able to take up our rightful space in the world.




Rev. Darby Christopher

Rev. Darby Christopher is an interfaith minister and holds a Master of Social Work degree. She is a graduate of the Haden Institute’s Dream Group Leadership Training program. Author of the recently published book From Anxiety to Connection: A Path to Authentic Relating, Darby enjoys speaking, writing, presenting workshops, leading dream groups, and companioning people on their life’s journey.


Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee


Based in New York City, on indigenous Lenape land

Associate Professor of Research, and Co-Director of Microscopy & Image Analysis Core Facility, Weill Cornell Medical College

Academic Dean, One Spirit Interfaith and Interspiritual Seminary

Sushmita’s vocation straddles cutting edge biomedical research technology, and a spirituality imbued with magic and wonder. Her psyche thrives at the interface of image, imagination and creative innovation. Sushmita’s spiritual work draws on Eastern and Western myths, Earth-based traditions, Taoism, Sufism, and Perennial Philosophy. Her work is deeply influenced by the teachings of Carl Jung and James Hillman, and the creative perspectives of poets and writers, too many to name. Some of her specific interests include myths, dreams, poetry and art (especially fractal, mandala and abstract art), altar building, guided visualizations, chanting and vocalization, and practices of Interspiritual Companioning, Jungian-influenced Dreamwork, SoulCollage® and Chakradance™. Sushmita is deeply committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in all fields of engagement.

If you have questions about registering for this course, please contact One Spirit Learning Alliance by email to or call 212-931-6840.

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