What is Interspirituality?


The Interfaith initiatives of the late twentieth century—the opening of dialogue and sharing of wisdom among leaders and practitioners of different religions – have flowered into an exciting new possibility for spiritual exploration and expression. The late Wayne Teasdale, author of The Mystic Heart, coined the term “Interspirituality” to describe this new spiritual perspective.

Beneath the diversity of theological beliefs, rites, and observances lies a deeper unity of experience that is our shared spiritual heritage. Mystical spirituality is the origin of all the world religions, and every authentic spiritual path offers unique perspectives and rich insights into this deeper, direct experience of truth. In our time, the wisdom and depth of all paths are available to anyone who brings an open mind, generous spirit and heart to the search across traditions.

All authentic spiritual paths, at their mystical core, are committed to the common values of peace, compassionate service, and love for all creation. An inner life awakened to responsibility and love naturally expresses itself through engaged spirituality, in “acts of compassion…, contributing to the transformation of the world and the building of a nonviolent, peace-loving culture that includes everyone.” (The Mystic Heart)

One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary were founded to support this new spiritual emergence. Grounding our students in the Interspiritual perspective, nurturing the development of their inner lives and their service in the world, we seek to fulfill our part in the great adventure of transformation unfolding in our world today. Many of our students also engage in our interspiritual counseling and companioning certification.


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